3D Weldless Seminar Held in Sendai
news 2010.10.27NewsNews
Realizing the world's smartest recycling system for large resin blow molded products
news 2010.10.143D Weldless Seminar Held
news 2010.09.15The global site has been renewed
news 2010.08.20Tokyo head office and Tokyo office have moved
news 2010.04.26Osaka Sales Office has moved to Osaka Office
news 2010.03.22"President's Green Column" has been completed.
news 2009.12.02Green Column No.19 "Proposal example 3 for realization of factor 4 in molding factory" has been uploaded.
news 2009.11.20Green Column No.18 "Proposal Example #2 for Realization of factor 4 in molding factories" is uploaded.
news 2009.11.05Green Column No.17 "Proposal Example #1 for Realization of factor 4 in Molding Factories" is uploaded.
news 2009.10.08