We received the Industrial Technology Award of the Osaka Institute of Technology for "Development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly crusher for recycling large molded products"
news 2015.08.18NewsNews
all categories
Molding Innovation Days 2015 (Seminar)
Events 2015.08.18PLASTIC INNOVATION DAYS 2015 (Seminar)
Events 2015.08.18Established a sales subsidiary in Indonesia
news 2015.06.30PLASTINDIA2015 (Exhibition)
Events 2015.06.01Tokyo headquarters was used for shooting TV drama
news 2015.01.08An article about MATSUI ASIA CO., LTD. Was published in the magazine "factory Management".
news 2015.01.07Green Molding Conference 2014 in Guangzhou (Lecture)
Events 2014.12.24Received "Intellectual Property Utilization Encouragement Award Brand Category"
news 2014.12.03MOLDING INNOVATION DAYS 2014 (Seminar)
Events 2014.10.08Concluded an We have signed a distributor agreement with Wadim Plast Narojek Sp.j. in Poland
news 2014.10.01IPF JAPAN 2014 International Plastic Fair (Exhibitor)
Events 2014.10.01- IPF Japan
Latest Heat & Cool Molding Seminar 2014
Events 2014.07.26Judgment on our patent rights
news 2014.06.23株式会社カワタ製流動ホッパー装置に関する弊社特許権侵害訴訟の判決結果に対する対応につきまして
news 2014.06.23Green Conference in Chinaplas 2014 (Lecture)
Events 2014.04.30- Chinaplas
Chinaplas 2014 (Exhibitor / Shanghai Matsui)
Events 2014.04.30- Chinaplas
We have signed a distributor agreement with PMES Technologies in the Czech Republic
news 2014.04.16Reopening studio 2 × tech-studios Experience tour 2014
Events 2014.02.27Green Molding Conference 2013 in Korea (Lecture)
Events 2013.11.29