Low pressure combined water jet washer NR Series

This equipment cleans the water pipes of molds and equipment by using cavitation and combined water flow generated by shock waves of water and air. Because it does not use any chemicals, it can also be used to clean materials with low chemical resistance and metal 3D printer output parts.


1. Achieve the same level of cleaning power as chemical cleaning using the power of "water" and "air"!

Our unique cavitation generation system uses water and air, and provides the same level of cleaning power as chemical cleaning. Because no chemicals are required, there is no need to worry about damage to materials caused by repeated cleaning, and materials with low chemical resistance, such as cast iron, copper, aluminum, and rubber, can be regularly cleaned.

This cleaning method leaves a thin, dense oxide film behind, so no coating is required after cleaning.
It also prevents dirt from re-adhering.

2. No need to disassemble or assemble the object, so no hassle!

The current connection method is used to connect the cleaning machine to the mold, so the cleaning process can be easily incorporated into the production process. In addition to not having to disassemble the mold, the cleaning is done Automatic operation, so there is no need to allocate manpower.

3. No waste liquid treatment required! Recycle cleaning water to reduce environmental impact.

Because no chemicals are used, the waste liquid consists only of water and sludge. If there are no contaminants, it can be disposed of as is, but by catching the dirt with a filter, the cleaning water can be recycled.

4. Regular cleaning provides excellent preventive maintenance!

Problems with clogging frequently occur with complex piping output by 3D printers and micro-diameter piping used in die-casting molds, etc. This cleaning machine is also capable of cleaning complex thin pipes, so preventive maintenance against problems is possible by shortening cleaning time through regular cleaning and removing sludge before it hardens.

5. With a wide range of products, you can choose the cleaning machine that best suits your needs!

We offer a wide range of cleaning machines, from small machines used in molding precision parts to extra-large machines used in molding large automotive parts, to suggest the optimal size for your needs.

Examples of effectiveness

Examples of solving problems caused by deterioration of water quality

➡ ①ヒケの発生
➡ ②サイクルタイムが初期条件(113秒)から10秒延滞

Cleaning target: Mold used for 7 years
Response: Mold cleaning using NR Series
Result: Reduced recycling time by 8 seconds without molding defects

Matsui Solutions

Resolve problems with water quality

If you want to know more about Resolve problems with water quality, check here.

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