About UsCompany Information

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

MATSUI MFG. CO., LTD., Ltd. is promoting ISO14001 and green procurement regarding Environmental Activities. Our company will engage in environmental conservation activities based on the following four items for the sake of irreplaceable nature and future generations.

  1. We consider the environment for the entire life cycle of all the products we handle, and aim to be an environmentally coexisting company that is trusted by the local community and society.
  2. We will focus on environmental protection and make the following continuous improvements.
    • Prevention of environmental pollution
    • b. Energy saving
    • c. Resource saving
  3. We will comply with relevant legal requirements and Other requirements that we agree with, and strive to protect the environment.

April 20, 2005 MATSUI MFG. CO., LTD., Ltd.

This Environmental Policy will be thoroughly disseminated to all people who work at or for our company through education, and will be disclosed to society through public relations activities.

Regarding handling of asbestos

Information on products that have used asbestos in the past and guidelines for handling asbestos are posted.

Non-asbestos (chrysotile = less than 1% white asbestos content) parts are used in each product manufactured after October 2000. From 2006 onwards, Non-asbestos (chrysotile = less than 0.1% white asbestos content) parts are used. For earlier products, please refer to the link (pdf file) below. This information will be updated from As necessary to time.

Click here for our "Asbestos Information (PDF)"

"1Product = 1Tree" Campaign

For every unit of our product (plas-aid model) purchased, we donate one tree (sapling) to an environmental protection organization and others.
