Aiming for factor4 of molding factories
MATSUI's mission is to realize 'factor4' for molding factory.
A long time ago, it was more than 20 years ago, but in light of population growth and global environmental problems, "In order for people to continue living today, productivity is doubled and resource consumption is consumed. The factor4 born from the ideas of scholars at the time, "to halve = need to quadruple resource productivity."
Matsui deeply agreed with this idea and decided to realize factor4 the resin molding factory, which is our main customer.
Now, in order to make it easier to understand this "molding factory'", factor4 's use a fractional formula and put the consumption resources in the denominator and the production amount and added value in the numerator as follows. I think that the resource consumption corresponds to the resin raw material, water, energy, etc. required for molding, and also the time, but the resources required for production cannot be reduced, so here, I wasted it without noticing it. The target resources are.

We are working with our customers to quadruple the resource productivity of their molding factories by reducing resource waste and increasing the production volume and added value of molded products.
However, is it really that easy to quadruple resource productivity?
We hear people say that they are already working on energy saving and production efficiency, and it is difficult to figure out where to start when it comes to reducing waste of consumed resources and increasing production volume and value-added.
Therefore, we delve into the problems that are actually heard at the molding site and the contents of each of the 12 themes that stratify the problems and issues, examine and verify specific methods, and effectively save energy and resources. We have decided to introduce and propose solutions that increase productivity and added value to everyone.
In the columns that follow, first of all, the previous' factor4 'Three major items that appear in the minute formula "Consumed resources CUT"" Production volume UP"" Add value UP, And then I would like to write about the solutions that we are proposing by dividing them into 12 themes.
Global Solution Promotion Department Yasuhiko Iijima
Environmental term: factor 4 (Environmental Innovation Information Organization)
Book "factor 4-Double affluence, halve resource consumption" (Energy Conservation Center, Japan)
→ factor4.html