factor4 tech-studios リニューアルオープン!
news 2020.04.01NewsNews
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Information "For safe use of our products" has been posted.
news 2020.02.17We have started selling the mold changer table device SDC series, in partnership with Nichietsu Co., Ltd.,
news 2020.02.14To everyone affected by typhoons 19 and 21 and torrential rain
news 2019.10.28Exhibited at K2019, Germany
Events 2019.10.16Matsui Mfg (Singapore) has established a local subsidiary in Malaysia
news 2019.10.01Shanghai Matsui Machinery Co., Ltd. opened a sales office in Xiamen
news 2019.09.12Information of prohibited substances declaration for our products
news 2019.07.22Matsui Technologies India increased by 4 bases to 9 bases
news 2019.06.21News of completion of overhaul of old Mold Temperature Controller
news 2019.06.18- Support Information
Exhibited at Chinaplas2019
Events 2019.05.21- Chinaplas
Matsui Mfg (Singapore) has established a local subsidiary in Vietnam
news 2019.05.11AGMS Association members received the Aoki Solid Award
news 2019.04.25Exhibited at the Nagoya Plastic Industry Exhibition
Events 2018.10.31PT. Matsui Solutions Indonesia has set up a satellite office in Cikarang
news 2018.08.07Exhibited at INTERMOLD Nagoya
Events 2018.06.13We exhibited at Chinaplas2018
Events 2018.04.24- Chinaplas
tech studio virtual tour course is now open
news 2018.02.21We have updated the product data of our parts shop.
news 2018.01.22The supply system for honeycomb rotors without RCF is now ready.
news 2018.01.19